Tag: Shakespeare
Guest post by Stephen H. Grant In forty years of book collecting, Henry Clay Folger managed to collect eighty-two of the 800 or so First Folios containing thirty-six Shakespeare plays compiled by two of the Bard’s actor friends, John Heminge and Henry Condell, and printed in 1623. They form the gemstone of the private research…
Guest post by Stephen H. Grant A century ago, in 1914, Henry Folger received an honorary Doctorate of Letters from Amherst College. The citation read: “Henry Clay Folger, a graduate of this college in 1879, called to the bar in due course, called by ability, by character, by efficiency, integrity and the confidence of men…
Guest post by Stephen H. Grant It was not a foregone conclusion that the Folger Shakespeare Library be built two blocks from the U.S. Capitol. Hidden away among Folger papers as I scoured in the library’s underground vault during the research phase of Collecting Shakespeare: The Story of Henry and Emily Folger, I found a small undated…
Guest post by Stephen H. Grant It was not a foregone conclusion that the Folger Shakespeare Library be built two blocks from the U.S. Capitol. Hidden away among Folger papers as I scoured in the library’s underground vault during the research phase of Collecting Shakespeare: The Story of Henry and Emily Folger, I found a small undated…
Was it the Bard or a 2014 Weather Channel presenter who warned of “rough winds that shake the darling buds” this month? Perhaps the same astute observer might describe the JHU Press calendar as “full of spirit as the month of May.” No matter, Shakespeare certainly remains top of mind this month as Steve Grant…
Guest post by Stephen H. Grant The Bard Will was born on the same day he died—and no one knows for sure on what day he was born. No birth certificate has been found for William Shakespeare. The closest thing is a baptism certificate dated April 26, 1564, in the parish register at Stratford-upon-Avon. Shakespeare’s…
In 1874, Emily Dickinson wrote the poem: Dear March - Come in - How Glad I am - I hoped for you before - Put down your Hat - You must have walked - How out of Breath you are - Dear March, how are you, and the Rest - Did you leave Nature well…
By john
February 28, 2014
American History, American Studies, Baltimore, Biography, Book talks, General Science, Kids, Literature, Physics, Poetry, Politics, Uncategorized
March roars in with a variety of events suitable for lionizing, and JHU Press authors, editors, and staff will keep busy all month. Stephen H. Grant loved the idea that the official publication date for Collecting Shakespeare would be the Ides of March, and several events around that date welcome his book. At Hunter College,…