Tag: History of science
Guest Post by Nicolas Rasmussen Historians widely share the attitude that it is not possible to write a proper historical account of fairly recent events. Fifty years is about the respectable time horizon before events become sufficiently past that they constitute legitimate subject matter for history. There are at least two good reasons for this attitude.…
Hands down, Albert Einstein was THE giant of the twentieth century, and so it's only appropriate and expected that scholars and laypersons alike would continue to celebrate his life, work, and legacy in books, films, and other works well into the twenty-first century. No slouches here at JHU Press, we've been publishing books about Einstein…
Hands down, Albert Einstein was THE giant of the twentieth century, and so it's only appropriate and expected that scholars and laypersons alike would continue to celebrate his life, work, and legacy in books, films, and other works well into the twenty-first century. No slouches here at JHU Press, we've been publishing books about Einstein…
Attention historians: We're pleased to throw open the doors to our virtual exhibit running in conjunction with the American Historical Association's 128th annual meeting. Simply click the banner below to enter and browse our latest publications. All books are 30% off using code HEJY. Questions? E-mail Brendan Coyne or tweet him at @JHUPSales.
Couldn't make it to Boston for the 2013 History of Science Society annual meeting? At the meeting but simply too busy to give our books and journals a proper look? Prefer to plan your purchases from the comfort of your hotel room before hitting the book exhibit? We have you covered for just about every instance…
Couldn't make it to Boston for the 2013 History of Science Society annual meeting? At the meeting but simply too busy to give our books and journals a proper look? Prefer to plan your purchases from the comfort of your hotel room before hitting the book exhibit? We have you covered for just about every instance…