Tag: Chicago
By Suzanne K. Flinchbaugh If a modern-day Rip or Rita Van Winkle woke up today, having napped through the last several years, he or she might think that democracy movements were only recently born in the Middle East, what with the media’s hyper-focus on the region. But those of us who haven’t been napping know…
By Suzanne K. Flinchbaugh If a modern-day Rip or Rita Van Winkle woke up today, having napped through the last several years, he or she might think that democracy movements were only recently born in the Middle East, what with the media’s hyper-focus on the region. But those of us who haven’t been napping know…
By Jacqueline C. Wehmueller At Johns Hopkins Press we get a kick from communicating with authors and readers via Twitter and other social media platforms. We can now share good news immediately: “Nicolas Rasmussen’s Gene Jockeys reviewed in Nature!” “Book TV interviewing Margaret Humphrey about Marrow of Tragedy!” Social media has its limitations, of course, and it’s…