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Secession Winter $14.96 (reg. $19.95)

Secession Winter $14.96 (reg. $19.95)

Abraham Lincoln vol. 1 $22.46 (reg. $29.95)

Abraham Lincoln vol. 1 $22.46 (reg. $29.95)

Abraham Lincoln vol. 2 $22.46 (reg. $29.95)

Abraham Lincoln vol. 2 $22.46 (reg. $29.95)

Marrow of Tragedy $26.21 (reg. $34.95)

Marrow of Tragedy $26.21 (reg. $34.95)

The Fragile Fabric of Union $22.50 (reg. $30.00)

The Fragile Fabric of Union $22.50 (reg. $30.00)

Knights of the Razor $39.00 (reg. $52.00)

Knights of the Razor $39.00 (reg. $52.00)

Iron Coffin $17.25 (reg. $23.00)

Iron Coffin $17.25 (reg. $23.00)

To Antietam Creek $37.46 (reg. $49.95)

To Antietam Creek $37.46 (reg. $49.95)


Faces of the Civil War $23.96 (reg. $31.95)

Faces of the Civil War $23.96 (reg. $31.95)

African American Faces of the Civil War $22.46 (reg. $29.95)

African American Faces of the Civil War $22.46 (reg. $29.95)

Faces of the Confederacy $23.96 (reg. $31.95)

Faces of the Confederacy $23.96 (reg. $31.95)

The Caning of Charles Sumner $14.96

The Caning of Charles Sumner $14.96


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