Category: Travel
Guest post by Mark Denny The astonishing pace at which humankind has progressed, in terms of navigation if not fellowship, came home a while ago at the start of a vacation. We picked up a rental car at the airport … Continue reading →
Guest post by Bo Beolens The joy of researching our eponym dictionaries is coming across unsung heroes whose remarkable lives may end up commemorated in a critter’s name. Often the collective memory fades and it is left to later generations to rediscover these heroes. Such a fellow was Richard Lemon Lander (1804–1834) (Lander's Horseshoe Bat…
The Doctor Is In is an occasional series where JHU Press authors discuss the latest developments and news in health and medicine. Guest post by Charles E. Davis, M.D. With a nod (and an apology) to our old friend, Charles Dickens, I’m going to ask you a question: When you look back on your spring…