Category: Literature
Guest post by Jewel Spears Brooker and Ronald Schuchard Digital editions of the first two volumes of The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot, a monumental work shepherded for many years by general editor Ronald Schuchard, will be officially published this week on Eliot’s birthday (September 26; he was born in St. Louis in 1888). …
Guest post by Jerry Griswold “The Great Y.A. Debate of 2014” has become so pervasive that the New York Times Book Review provided a summary of the controversy in late June. In one corner is Ruth Graham and a few supporters. Grown tired of girlfriends keen on young-adult fiction (The Hunger Games, The Fault of…
Guest post by Jerry Griswold “The Great Y.A. Debate of 2014” has become so pervasive that the New York Times Book Review provided a summary of the controversy in late June. In one corner is Ruth Graham and a few supporters. Grown tired of girlfriends keen on young-adult fiction (The Hunger Games, The Fault of…
Guest post by Stephen H. Grant It was not a foregone conclusion that the Folger Shakespeare Library be built two blocks from the U.S. Capitol. Hidden away among Folger papers as I scoured in the library’s underground vault during the research phase of Collecting Shakespeare: The Story of Henry and Emily Folger, I found a small undated…
Guest post by Stephen H. Grant It was not a foregone conclusion that the Folger Shakespeare Library be built two blocks from the U.S. Capitol. Hidden away among Folger papers as I scoured in the library’s underground vault during the research phase of Collecting Shakespeare: The Story of Henry and Emily Folger, I found a small undated…
Guest Post by Michael C. C. Adams Before Gettysburg and Vicksburg, we had Cincinnati and, more especially, Sharpsburg, Maryland. The repulse of Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg and the fall of Vicksburg to Ulysses S. Grant in early July 1863 are often seen as marking the high tide of the Confederacy. Yet any real hope…
By john
April 30, 2014
American History, American Studies, Baltimore, Current Affairs, For Everyone, General Science, History, Literature, Middle East, Poetry, Politics, Religion, Reviews, sale, Social media, Uncategorized, War and Conflict
Enter code HDPD at checkout to receive a 30% discount on all books featured in this blog post or mention this code when calling in your order at 1-800-537-5487. News and Notes/Praise and Reviews Doris Iarovici, M.D., author of Mental Health Issues and the University Student, discusses the “antidepressant generation” in The New York Times Well…
by Michele Callaghan, Manuscript Editing I know that many of you are, like me, once or current aspiring writers. Through my blogs, I have pontificated on the correct way to handle all sorts of parts of speech and random bits of punctuation. But now I want to focus on the writing process itself and on two…
By john
April 30, 2014
American History, American Studies, Baltimore, Current Affairs, For Everyone, General Science, History, Literature, Middle East, Poetry, Politics, Religion, Reviews, sale, Social media, Uncategorized, War and Conflict
Enter code HDPD at checkout to receive a 30% discount on all books featured in this blog post or mention this code when calling in your order at 1-800-537-5487. News and Notes/Praise and Reviews Doris Iarovici, M.D., author of Mental Health Issues and the University Student, discusses the “antidepressant generation” in The New York Times Well…
Guest post by Janine Barchas This year, which marks the centennial of the start of the Great War, also marks the two hundredth anniversary of the publication of Mansfield Park, first advertised on May 9, 1814. This accident of history, which has my 2014 calendar oddly alternating between somber openings of WWI exhibits and upbeat celebrations…