Category: Language
By Michele Callaghan, manuscript editor All too often people take a perfectly good idea and then use it for all sorts of occasions for which it doesn't apply. One example is having a right lane for slow drivers and a left one for fast drivers. This works well—most of the time—on the highway. But then…
By Michele Callaghan, manuscript editor I am breaking with my usual practice of offering commentary on the state of publishing or whatever else is on my mind. A part of speech that I have cared about since Mrs. Valerio’s eighth grade French class is in trouble: the pronoun. We English speakers are really lucky. Students…
By Michele Callaghan, manuscript editor I am breaking with my usual practice of offering commentary on the state of publishing or whatever else is on my mind. A part of speech that I have cared about since Mrs. Valerio’s eighth grade French class is in trouble: the pronoun. We English speakers are really lucky. Students…
By Michele Callaghan, manuscript editor Okay, I admit it. I have been known to read dictionaries for fun. When I was growing up, my siblings and I would challenge ourselves with foreign language Scrabble. We also played a sort of a “stump the band” where we would try to find words in the dictionary that…
Chapter & Verse is a series where JHU Press authors and editors discuss the literary landscape of poetry and prose, whether their own creative work or the literature of others. Guest post by X. J. Kennedy Most of my poems begin in bed. I’ll wake up in the morning with a line or a couple…
Chapter & Verse is a series where JHU Press authors and editors discuss the literary landscape of poetry and prose, whether their own creative work or the literature of others. Guest post by X. J. Kennedy Most of my poems begin in bed. I’ll wake up in the morning with a line or a couple…
by Michele Callaghan, Manuscript Editor Part of being married is having to watch your spouse’s favorite films, sometimes over and over, because “you are going to like it this time, I swear!” My husband purchased a DVD a while back of one of his favorites, The Man Who Fell to Earth by acclaimed director Nicolas…
By Michele Callaghan, Manuscript Editor Years ago, when I was an undergraduate student in Buffalo, New York, I heard a TV newscast that I have never forgotten. An important figure in the history of philosophy had died, and Eyewitness News was letting us know about it. “Jean-Paul Sartre, so-called founder of existentialism, dead today, in…
By Michele Callaghan, Manuscript Editor Years ago, when I was an undergraduate student in Buffalo, New York, I heard a TV newscast that I have never forgotten. An important figure in the history of philosophy had died, and Eyewitness News was letting us know about it. “Jean-Paul Sartre, so-called founder of existentialism, dead today, in…
As I went through interviews for my job almost four years ago, I found myself having to learn plenty of information. For instance, I had no idea what the word "philology" meant, and we had journals focused specifically on the subject. I had to expand my knowledge base. I now know that philology is the study…