Author: john

When a poet dies

Guest post by Peter Filkins The 50th anniversary of Sylvia Plath’s suicide on February 11, 1963, will no doubt cause many to pause and think what might have been if she had lived to write beyond the age of thirty. Many will reflect on the patriarchal forces she struggled against, or the role of her…

Guns, fear, and safety

Guest post by John A. Rich, M.D., M.P.H. The horrible massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, has once again sparked the conversation about guns, but I wonder when the underlying issue and complexity of safety will rise to the surface. We need to ask ourselves, other than sportsmen and hunters, why would someone want to own a…

A Feminist Examination of Global Conferences

Guest post by Jean Quataert and Benita Roth, special guest editors The Journal of Women’s History recently published a special issue (24, 4 Winter 2012) on “Human Rights, Global Conferences, and the Making of Postwar Transnational Feminisms.” The collection of essays and the reminiscences by global feminist activists shows the importance of United Nations-sponsored world conferences…

A Feminist Examination of Global Conferences

Guest post by Jean Quataert and Benita Roth, special guest editors The Journal of Women’s History recently published a special issue (24, 4 Winter 2012) on “Human Rights, Global Conferences, and the Making of Postwar Transnational Feminisms.” The collection of essays and the reminiscences by global feminist activists shows the importance of United Nations-sponsored world conferences…