Author: john

February news and new books

News and Notes JHU Press Publications Recognized for Excellence by AAP’s PROSE Awards Four JHU Press publications were honored recently at the prestigious Association of American Publishers’ Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (the PROSE Awards). In the category of science, technology, and medicine, Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics:  A Journal of Qualitative Research garnered an…

Don’t forget the preamble!

Guest post by Lawrence Rosenthal The tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary have produced not only a national debate about firearms violence, but also a national debate about constitutional law. Overhanging the latter debate is the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,…

Mistress Day

Guest post by Scott D. Haltzman, M.D. I've been writing about marriage for quite some time now, and just about every year, about this time, I’m prompted to write some inspiring words about love and marriage, not just because it’s Valentine’s Day, but because the second week of February is also national marriage week. But this…