Author: john

Book talks, exhibits, and other August events

Heat waves, vacations, and the infamous “dog days” are hardly enough to deter intrepid JHU Press authors, editors, and staff.  A bushel full of academic meetings and interesting author events appear on the August calendar, including an online book salon. Like a taste of the season’s best produce, enjoy these late summer activities and help…

Book talks, exhibits, and other August events

Heat waves, vacations, and the infamous “dog days” are hardly enough to deter intrepid JHU Press authors, editors, and staff.  A bushel full of academic meetings and interesting author events appear on the August calendar, including an online book salon. Like a taste of the season’s best produce, enjoy these late summer activities and help…

Jane Austen on the Tenner—great idea, bad execution

Guest post by Janine Barchas I realize that it is not attractive to kvetch about something good not being good enough, but I just cannot help myself. A few days ago, the Bank of England confirmed the welcome news that Jane Austen will grace a new 10-pound note. Bank of England Governor, Mark Carney, announced…

Mid-summer news and new books

News and Notes Curious about life sciences, or want to learn more about American history? Click here to let us know which subject areas you are interested in so that we can let you know about books we know you'll want to read. Tragically, there seems to be a rash of train wrecks of late,…

Mid-summer news and new books

News and Notes Curious about life sciences, or want to learn more about American history? Click here to let us know which subject areas you are interested in so that we can let you know about books we know you'll want to read. Tragically, there seems to be a rash of train wrecks of late,…

The as-of yet unnamed son of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge entered the world on July 22, 2013. Should Americans care?

Guest post by Daniel Kilbride Clearly, a lot of them do. News of the Royal Birth was the lede on talk radio, newspapers, and cable news stations. None of the other roughly 362,000 births that took place on that day received even a fraction of the attention lavished on the son of William and Kate.…

The as-of yet unnamed son of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge entered the world on July 22, 2013. Should Americans care?

Guest post by Daniel Kilbride Clearly, a lot of them do. News of the Royal Birth was the lede on talk radio, newspapers, and cable news stations. None of the other roughly 362,000 births that took place on that day received even a fraction of the attention lavished on the son of William and Kate.…

In Other Words: Late Imperial China

by Janet Gilbert Journals, Direct Response and Renewals Senior Coordinator  Time travel is possible, in the pages of Late Imperial China—and in our newest installment of In Other Words, featuring editor Tobie Meyer-Fong. The video opens a conversation on the journal’s special section on gender and medicine, transporting viewers to a time more than a…