Author: john

A Voyager’s life

Guest post by Don Lincoln “Space: the final frontier,” is the opening passage of the venerable television show Star Trek, a show which depicted mankind’s triumphant conquering of interstellar space. However, before that bright and shiny future becomes possible, our species must make our first halting foray beyond our planetary neighborhood. It appears that a…

The distribution of health and its explanations (and Facebook)

guest post by Brian G. Southwell In August 2013, the Associated Press reported that one’s success in getting a liver transplant in the United States is partially a function of geography and social space: because of disparities in the current transplant district system, where a person lives dictates in part whether they will receive a…

The distribution of health and its explanations (and Facebook)

guest post by Brian G. Southwell In August 2013, the Associated Press reported that one’s success in getting a liver transplant in the United States is partially a function of geography and social space: because of disparities in the current transplant district system, where a person lives dictates in part whether they will receive a…

Author Talks, Special Programs, and the Baltimore Book Festival Coming in September

JHU Press authors, editors, and staff launch a busy fall calendar in September with events from coast to coast, along with plenty of activities in Baltimore and the Chesapeake region. Of particular note is the start this month of the Odyssey program’s “Mini-Med School” (Odyssey is JHU’s acclaimed non-credit continuing studies program), which features talks…

Weighing Zbigniew Brzezinski’s legacy

Guest post by Charles Gati Zbig is the first comprehensive portrait of Zbigniew Brzezinski. It deals with his long and distinguished career as a professor, an academic, a National Security Adviser to President Carter, a widely-known observer, and a critic of U.S. foreign policy. In the 1950s, Brzezinski was already an outstanding academic at Harvard. In the…