Author: john

Author events and exhibits fill the calendar for December and the new year

Our December calendar begins with some terrific author events and ends with preparations for the new year’s onslaught of academic meetings. As always, we appreciate your help in spreading the word about JHUP’s events and activities. And never forget, please, that books and journal subscriptions from the Press make most excellent gifts. Best wishes to…

Over the river and through the wood . . .

Chapter and Verse is a series that features JHU Press authors and editors discussing the literary landscape of poetry and prose, whether their own creative work or the literature of others. Guest post by Angela Sorby In 1863, when her fellow (if less fervent) anti-slavery advocate Abraham Lincoln announced the first federal observation of Thanksgiving, Lydia…

Over the river and through the wood . . .

Chapter and Verse is a series that features JHU Press authors and editors discussing the literary landscape of poetry and prose, whether their own creative work or the literature of others. Guest post by Angela Sorby In 1863, when her fellow (if less fervent) anti-slavery advocate Abraham Lincoln announced the first federal observation of Thanksgiving, Lydia…

Remembering Denis Dutton

Guest post by Garry L. Hagberg Denis Dutton (1944–2010) spent over more than thirty-five years editing or jointly editing Philosophy and Literature, the collective intellectual adventure in humane learning that saw its first issue in 1976, and was steadfastly concerned to make room for younger scholars just starting out. It would have been easy for…