Month: May 2014

Meet Us in Chicago: American Association for the History of Medicine

By Jacqueline C. Wehmueller At Johns Hopkins Press we get a kick from communicating with authors and readers via Twitter and other social media platforms. We can now share good news immediately: “Nicolas Rasmussen’s Gene Jockeys reviewed in Nature!” “Book TV interviewing Margaret Humphrey about Marrow of Tragedy!” Social media has its limitations, of course, and it’s…

May means History of Medicine, the Natural World of DC (via Ottawa), and more on the Press Calendar

Was it the Bard or a 2014 Weather Channel presenter who warned of “rough winds that shake the darling buds” this month? Perhaps the same astute observer might describe the JHU Press calendar as “full of spirit as the month of May.” No matter,  Shakespeare certainly remains top of mind this month as Steve Grant…