Our SVP 2013 virtual exhibit is open

Main events for the 2013 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology meeting kicked off today and we’re happy to join the Society in Los Angeles for its 73rd annual meeting. At the same time, we recognize both that not everyone who wanted to attend could and that many of the professionals and students attending will find it challenging to make enough time over the next few busy days to drop by during the exhibit hall hours (9:30 am – 6:15 today through Saturday).

Our answer to this dilemma? The SVP 2013 virtual exhibit, which is now open. Simply click the banner below to enter. All the books are 25% off using code HEYG; each section shows key featured titles—many of which can be browsed right on your screen thanks to Google’s search inside feature—and downloadable order forms and subject catalogs are available on each page.

Have a question? E-mail Brendan Coyne, or tweet him at @JHUPSales
